He's from France I believe and his name is Sliimy
I adore his remake of Britney Spears "Womanizer"

Enjoy The Many Random Thoughts & Rants ...Who Knows What I'll Say Next?!
Gotta luv your HBCU...but which ones are the best...
...Shoutz to the N.O. Dillard University is #8 and RIGHT behind it [unfortunately behind it tho] is none other than good ole XU!!! Sending the most African-Americans to medical school...indeed.
Congrats Spelman...you are a divine institution
Maybe I should've just chalked it up and been an Engligh Major - but I digress...
1 Spelman College: Atlanta, GA Score 100
2 Howard University: Washington, DC, Score 95
3 Morehouse College: Atlanta, GA Score 81
4 Hampton University: Hampton, VA Score 77
5 Fisk University: Nashville, TN Score 73
6 Tuskegee University: Tuskegee, AL Score 69
7 Claflin University: Orangeburg, SC Score 65
8 Dillard University: New Orleans, LA Score 65
9 Xavier University of Louisiana: New Orleans, LA Score 64
10 Johnson C. Smith University: Charlotte, NC Score 56
11 Tennessee State University: Nashville, TN Score 52
12 Elizabeth City State University: Elizabeth City, NC Score 50
12 Winston-Salem State University: Winston-Salem, NC Score 50
14 Virginia State University: Petersburg, VA Score 46
15 Florida A&M University : Tallahassee, FL Score 45
15 North Carolina A&T State University: Greensboro, NC Score 45
15 North Carolina Central University: Durham, NC Score 45
15 South Carolina State University: Orangeburg, SC Score 45
19 Morgan State University: Baltimore, MD Score 44
20 Jackson State University: Jackson, MS Score 43
21 Bennett College: Greensboro, NC Score 42
22 Clark Atlanta University: Atlanta, GA Score 41
22 Delaware State University: Dover, DE Score 41
24 Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University: Normal, AL Score 40
25 Albany State University: Albany, GA Score 39
There's A Natural Mystic Blowing Through The Air from CDott on Vimeo.
Can't deny it now...Michael Jackson died from an OD
It seems that pathology reports from the Los Angeles Coroner's Office along with the private autopsy funded by the Jackson family have provided the same results, according to E! News.
As previously reported, needle marks were found on the body of Michael Jackson and a potentially lethal amount of Propofol was in his system at the time of death.
Federal regulators are now considering the addition of Propofol to their list of controlled substances, which would require hospitals to account for every drop used.
Authorities are expected to release their full report next week due to the ongoing criminal investigation surrounding the singer's passing.
"Actress Lauren London, who is pregnant with rapper Lil Wayne's baby, was not thrilled when she found out she was expecting. Although they have said they will raise the child together, London is still unhappy with the way things have turned out.
London's rep said, on her behalf, "At first we weren't happy about the pregnancy but now we are fine. Wayne and I will happily raise this baby together."
Sounds like everything is OK, right? Maybe not. According to sources, Lauren is still not feeling this pregnancy but Weezy pressured her into having the baby. She apparently wanted to abort the pregnancy early on but Wayne wouldn't let her. He said he'd go public with the news and tell everyone she had had an abortion.
Lauren, fearing how it would affect her reputation and career, decided to go ahead with the pregnancy and keep the baby.
London's cousin said, "Lauren is letting everyone close know this is not what she planned. She's mainly worried what effects this will have on her career. She doesn't want to be stigmatized as just Lil Wayne's baby mama."
Deep emotions - fathomless longings - The sun is their inner nature
Emotionally intense and deeper than they appear on the surface. Quite sensitive and understanding once you get through the tough exterior. They're caring people with complex psyches. For those they care for, they have valuable and illuminating intuitions - may even have natural psychic powers.
Because of their need for security they have a habit of surrounding themselves with sentimental objects, and can be unwilling to throw things out...even relationships that passed their expiration date. Money also play an important part in their scheme of life.
Crabs walk sideways, which is how Cancers skirt around a problem until forced to take it head on with determination and a creative flare. Rather than take a risk in something that has the potential to fail, the prefer to wait and watch. When the time is right they attack with great speed and efficiency.
Because of their deep emotions a wounded Cancer isn't easy to deal with. Art, music, and writing are common emotional releases rather than binge eating or other destructive habits.
Cancers have the ability to be diplomatic and speak when necessary or keep their mouth shut.
They are walking contradictions with their double sided personality: Soft & Vulnerable yet Hard & Determined - but it fits them well