It be a great thing to showcase the art and also show there's more to it than what happens in the strip clubs. It's fitness, it's fun, and pretty complicated....
As a fan, student and advocate I support this movement
Enjoy The Many Random Thoughts & Rants ...Who Knows What I'll Say Next?!
*a couple sittin together watching TV..the man walks out of the room*
i love you...
Can you see it in my eyes as they peer into yours..trying desperately to see your soul
Can you hear it in my voice as i try to confess to you the feelings you long to know
Can you feel it in my touch as i lightly touch tour temples to relieve your stress and calm your mind
Can you taste it in my kiss...so sensual and only for you
Can you inhale the scent of us...of love...our love, and identify it...
I Love You!
I can see it in my dreams as i sleep and pray to never wake as to not end these perfect thoughts
I can hear the melody of your voice in my ears which is better than any sweet soundin song
I can feel it in my veins as it runs through my heart with every beat
I can taste it on the tip of my tongue where the word 'love' sits and waits to be said to you
I can breath freely knowing our love could be in the air flowing into my lungs and securing my life
With every sense that i have..with every part of my being..with all that i was, am and will be..from now until eternity...
I... !!! *he walks back into the room sits down*
...I have to pee