I have not one clue of why this person hasn't been placed in my blog - guess I was expanding my knowledge for a bit. But this person is the greatest MUSICIAN ever, in my opinion of course...but dont argue with me about it because you will lose. In all of his albums it was guaranteed to see Written/Produced/Composed/Instruments/Performed all by PRINCE!!!

Prince Rogers Nelson aka The symbol aka The Artist aka The Artist (Formerly known as Prince) is in one word....Awesome. I'm not even going to put his bio up because if you have not one clue about this man you live in the core of the earth with the rest of the losers. He is a creative being who expresses himself through his music, style, and performance. He is the true definition of an artist and a performer. I [heart] him. I love everything he does, but here are my favorite songs of all time. Enjoy.
Diamonds & Pearls
I Would Die For You
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