Summer is gone and apparently - so is fall. Obviously that also means November has passed and we have a new president...my ideal husband BARACK HUSEEIN OBAMA!!!!
Our First Family
Never before did I pay such close attention to a candidate. Of course in the beginning the intrigue began when I realized a person of African American descent was really running and it wasn't Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. With the initial intrigue came the trance he would literally put you in while he so eloquently spoke of change and regulations with the swagger smoother than a well-seasoned pimp talking a girl onto a corner. EVERY time he spoke I listened and learned something. I even believe I'm smarter just from listening to him. With his historic win I'm overjoyed and I'm ready to see how he will attempt to handle the GINORMOUS mess G.W. Bush left for him to clean up. I also truly hope that with the state of the country today, and personally speaking for my city with all the senseless violence, school drop outs, mobs of uneducated drug dealers, wannabe rappers and any other male falling into all of the general stereotypes - they can look at Obama and want something more out of life beecause there's living proof that it's attainable. Young people and families are now really hearing their children if they say they want to be the President. Yes We Can became Yes We Did. Now there's no excuse about the man because now "The Man" is one of us.
Christmas is about a week away which is pretty cool to say the least, and of course the week after will be New Years :) Not exactly sure what I'll be doing...probably hanging with my Neumann homies in DE w/ Tyk. Next year though, I know for sure I'll be celebrating in a whole new venue. I may actually go to the ball my aunt and parents go to. It's this big executive thing that could cost up to $500 a ticket...Everyone is dressed up real nice, open bar and buffet....swanky.
With my internet ban still in effect (not like they were ever going to uplift it) my search to find something to preoccupy my mind has ended. I now just WRITE - I know real epiphany huh. I occasionally write pieces but I'd only really have the urge when I'm either really angry or upset. With all of my free time on the job it gives me time to just think on alot of things, and with the thought process comes my writings. Anything inspires me now - a question someone asked me the day before, even a random thought derived from a song I was listening to. I also now kind of write what I'm thinking or how I feel in a more literary sense as to put more depth into that moment instead of just writing a run down of what happened/made me mad/etc...
...Speaking of New Year's...I've decided on a resolution. Normally every year I say the same one [lose weight/exercise] but never follow through. As of now I know I don't have the determination or motivation to do it, and I'm not a bad size as it is so for now I'm no longer going to stress over that. My new resolution will be to say YES to everything. I got the inspiration from the movie of the similar name "YES Man", and I actually find it to be a good idea. You never know where life can take you if you say no to the opportunities that could arise if you just say yes to something. I know I'm good for being slightly paranoid or should I say suspicious of people and their motives and I'll say no before I even know what their asking...so I'd like to change that. I was helping my co-worker with an english project and one of the topics were to write your own obituary, and when I started to write I didn't feel I had enough highlights to put in it to show what kind of mark I left on the Earth, and in peoples lives - so I gotta change...take more risks, and worry less about the consequences of my actions unless it's of a malicious nature [of course if they deserve it then its sooooo necessary]. Soooo...yea...that's my thoughts on that
Well, I'm really going to update this more often so that I can post more things and just keep it updated without having to do these catch up posts that can last 4everrrr.
I'll be back with something :)
Summer is gone and apparently - so is fall. Obviously that also means November has passed and we have a new president...my ideal husband BARACK HUSEEIN OBAMA!!!!

Never before did I pay such close attention to a candidate. Of course in the beginning the intrigue began when I realized a person of African American descent was really running and it wasn't Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. With the initial intrigue came the trance he would literally put you in while he so eloquently spoke of change and regulations with the swagger smoother than a well-seasoned pimp talking a girl onto a corner. EVERY time he spoke I listened and learned something. I even believe I'm smarter just from listening to him. With his historic win I'm overjoyed and I'm ready to see how he will attempt to handle the GINORMOUS mess G.W. Bush left for him to clean up. I also truly hope that with the state of the country today, and personally speaking for my city with all the senseless violence, school drop outs, mobs of uneducated drug dealers, wannabe rappers and any other male falling into all of the general stereotypes - they can look at Obama and want something more out of life beecause there's living proof that it's attainable. Young people and families are now really hearing their children if they say they want to be the President. Yes We Can became Yes We Did. Now there's no excuse about the man because now "The Man" is one of us.
Christmas is about a week away which is pretty cool to say the least, and of course the week after will be New Years :) Not exactly sure what I'll be doing...probably hanging with my Neumann homies in DE w/ Tyk. Next year though, I know for sure I'll be celebrating in a whole new venue. I may actually go to the ball my aunt and parents go to. It's this big executive thing that could cost up to $500 a ticket...Everyone is dressed up real nice, open bar and buffet....swanky.
With my internet ban still in effect (not like they were ever going to uplift it) my search to find something to preoccupy my mind has ended. I now just WRITE - I know real epiphany huh. I occasionally write pieces but I'd only really have the urge when I'm either really angry or upset. With all of my free time on the job it gives me time to just think on alot of things, and with the thought process comes my writings. Anything inspires me now - a question someone asked me the day before, even a random thought derived from a song I was listening to. I also now kind of write what I'm thinking or how I feel in a more literary sense as to put more depth into that moment instead of just writing a run down of what happened/made me mad/etc...
...Speaking of New Year's...I've decided on a resolution. Normally every year I say the same one [lose weight/exercise] but never follow through. As of now I know I don't have the determination or motivation to do it, and I'm not a bad size as it is so for now I'm no longer going to stress over that. My new resolution will be to say YES to everything. I got the inspiration from the movie of the similar name "YES Man", and I actually find it to be a good idea. You never know where life can take you if you say no to the opportunities that could arise if you just say yes to something. I know I'm good for being slightly paranoid or should I say suspicious of people and their motives and I'll say no before I even know what their asking...so I'd like to change that. I was helping my co-worker with an english project and one of the topics were to write your own obituary, and when I started to write I didn't feel I had enough highlights to put in it to show what kind of mark I left on the Earth, and in peoples lives - so I gotta change...take more risks, and worry less about the consequences of my actions unless it's of a malicious nature [of course if they deserve it then its sooooo necessary]. Soooo...yea...that's my thoughts on that
Well, I'm really going to update this more often so that I can post more things and just keep it updated without having to do these catch up posts that can last 4everrrr.
I'll be back with something :)
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