APPARENTLY...While leaving Clive Davis' party, this happy couple got into a heated arguement and Chris had to smack a hoe and get her in check - I MEAN...a break up gone terribly wrong.
She is said to be suffering two contusions in a likeness of horns, bruised eye, busted nose & lip, bruises on her person, and bite marks on her arms and legs. Chris has some minor bruises as well.
According to MediaTakeOut they both have their fair share of mean streaks.
I remember Chris on Punk'd at 15/16 ready to kick a fake waiters ass because he didn't like the tone he used with his mother and his random fights in clubs.
Rihanna ain't a sweetheart either...She's a regular hot headed girl from Barbados who admits to fighting her brother, smashing glasses in his face, so you never know- shit happens [no advocacy]
When she was dropped off at Hancock Park in L.A., a nearby person hard her screams and called 911. He turned himself into police and neither or of them showed up or performed at the Grammy's. His bail was set at $50,000 and he's being charged with Felony Criminal Threats - which is physical violence accompanied with verbal threats. Rihanna was also spotted at the station making the actual booking charges - but now she says she's not pressing charges.
Regardless - with all of this evidence and all of this ATTENTION...he's going down for it...Probation atleast for 2 years, community service, and anger management classes...pfft...lol...who knows though..
She must of come out of pocket or something...upsetting him like that
...I know this isn't a light matter regardless who the person is...I just find it slightly amusing because it's Rihanna - eff it.
Early morning goodness...now off to work :(
UPDATE:....so I'm also hearing weapons charges floating around...let me find out he was tryna body this jawn...

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