been slacking on taking picz...majorly
...brought it back alil for Madam CJ's Bday shindig
been slacking on taking picz...majorly
...brought it back alil for Madam CJ's Bday shindig

Turned that 23 at 32 Degrees down Olde City...nice place - could use better music choices tho.
That beautiful weather spoiled me. Now all I know is RAIN - slightly pissed off
I'm also on the lookout for other Drake performance stops. I went to his show by accident when he was here and missed most of it...now I NEED to go see it in its entirety. I'm hoping one of his stops flows with my roadtrip and I will detour indeed.
Since it's May it's time for my annual photoshoot to shop around for my summer gigs. As a present to myself I'm booking myself a shoot w/ Glamour Bitch Photography for my Birthday. She does great pin-up shots with hair makeup and wardrobe and I've alwayyyyyys wanted to do that. If I like this one, I'll end up going to another photographer I found who said she'd have me in a Billie Holiday-esque shot which sounds verryyyyyy awesome.
Oh...and greasy breakfast food is NOT the business
Stay Piffy - Get Money!!!
I friggin LOVE your blog..always makes me smile and think....and yes, you are one of them jawns that don't deal with Fems...lol..your weekend was crazy nice-im madd jealous i couldn't get that 'Cue or that piffy..(this ish down here in N.O. is terrible @times, but its a love/hate thing, lol) I'm def gonna stay tuned w.the pics tho....OWWWW!! ;-)