Monday, February 16, 2009

...I Think I May Move To Canada...

So I was watching this documentary about health care in the United States and how it compares to its foreign counterparts in Canada, Britain and France....

Apparently, everyone in those countries are supposed to live longer than us because they all receive adequate health care from the government.
Socialized health care is supposed to be a communist threat over here for some reason....
And it doesn't help that while Nixon was in office he signed this bill that guarantees less service to the patients so they HAVE to keep coming back which then makes them more!

Hilary Clinton made it her first lady duty to push for universal health care, but was shut down by the insurance companies who then bought her out so she'd shut up for the rest of her husbands term...

...So American of us...instead of fighting for equal health treatment for our country we cater to greedy insurance companies that refuse to lose money for that outrageous liberal idea that works everywhere else!!

...and don't get me started on insurance companies...

The company we're trusting to "INSURE" us, is finding any and every minor reason to deny us the care we need in order to give their execs billion dollar bonuses.
File clerks become 6 figure earning associates just by denying a man the stem cells that are available & could save his life and subsequently dies...

...So killing people is a billion dollar business??? why aren't the bouls on the block rich?...Why not give the terrorist a parade for all the lives lost & the remains that were never found - shit...they just saved Blue Cross trillions of dollars because those people won't need any treatment - just burial preparations.

No wasting money saving peoples lives, there's NO TIME to help pay outrageous medical bills a regular family can barely fathom paying in full from an illness unforeseen without selling everything they worked to gain

Or even better....tell the people you'll pay for everything, then change your mind because the patient forgot to tell you one time back in '92 they had a yeast infection - so therefore they lied on their application for insurance and it is now canceled...

Kick an elderly disoriented woman out out of the hospital onto the street in her hospital gown and leave her in front of a place that takes in patients when their insurance runs out...

Don't help the people who volunteered to help with the wreckage and devastation at Ground Zero after 9/11. Even though it wasn't their jobs they did the same amount of work and got sick from the fumes or mentally disturbed from the images they encountered while moving the rubble...but because they weren't REAL firefighters the government won't help them with their continuous need for medicine and treatment...ugh

Things like these taint the whole vision of what america is supposed to be about. This is another thing I believe should be free and is free in other countries [along with college...go figure...that's why these bitches are smarter than us!!!]. But the major difference between us and the other countries are, we as American people are scared of our government while their governments are scared of their people...the way it should be.

The millisecond they don't like something they are out on the streets in the governments face telling them what they will and will not do until the change they demand is met.
It has been that way since the beginning of time.
They will kill their own leader if they don't help, and their government doesn't want or need history to repeat itself.

While over here, the only reason we'll assassinate a leader is because he wants to change the country for the better. Any bright ideas that can bring change, possible social and economic equality, and just an overall face lift to the country is a sin and a threat against the "american way."

Well I say the fuckin american way [I didn't capitalize it on purpose...straight disrespect!!!!] doesn't work!!! When there are million of citizens dying because they are denied or can't afford the treatment that should be available to all who are in this country, just because it makes the insurance company and their employees more money.

Yes overseas and Canada pay a shitload of taxes, but I'd rather pay out the ass in muthafuckin taxes than keep trying to make things work with this corrupt system we have now.
I'm going off like all hell, and its all because I watched a documentary by the same man who created Fahrenheit 9/11. It's called Sickos and it really dives deep into the many cases and tragedies caused by the incompetent systems we're forced to rely on, and how awesome life would be if we'd follow the lead of other successful countries.

The main goal of socialized health care in other countries is...*wait it's a shocker* make sure you get better!!!!!

If you need to go to the hospital - go, no problem its free.
Having a baby? - go to the hospital - it's free and you stay until you're completely better, not just the 2 days your insurance pays for.
Having surgery? - go get that tumor out without having 15 press conferences to explain how bad you need it - it's free
And recovery....Take as much time as you need to get back to your regular self and full health potential. The government will pay 65% of your pay and your job will pay the other 35%. And don't worry about your job because you have a MINIMUM of 5 weeks sick time, so you can reenergize yourself...

Sheet..just had a baby, and still trying to adjust? The government will send over a nanny to help for as many days you request and do all you ask within reason...for free
High taxes would be nothing compared to all the service and benefits that come along with it.

And its not like the doctors don't make any money.
One doctor has an approx. million dollar home, 2 Audi's, goes on multiple holidays and is living quite comfortably in his situation, so its not like they won't get paid.

A Frenchman on the documentary was asked if America could ever use this method of health care and he without hesitation said no. He was probably an anti-america club member as well, but I agree with him.

If America even attempted, they would find every solitary loophole in the plan to corrupt it just like everything else that started off with good intentions in this country.

It's sad to be so pessimistic about a country that's supposed to be the land of hope for everyone else...I don't care though.
I don't stand for the national anthem, I don't salute the flag - I don't even like america anyway....eff it

Guess I should start learning my new national anthem....
"Oh Canadaaaaaa....."

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