Tuesday, March 18, 2008

...Greatest Party Day Since I've Been Legal

One Friday because a club was having a 25 cent drink special until 11:30 me & Tyk decided to go party, since that's what we do best...and besides it's fucking Friday. We get to the club, but the drink special is over so we get our usual fav. poison of choice (Long Island Ice Tea). It's $12 and stingy but whatever it's Friday we're ballin. It's the first time we ever went to this place and it's small and crowded as shit. We're dressed fly as shit and we're getting alot of looks and compliments so that made us happy, but its too crowded and we can't move or mingle, so we leave. We go to a bar like two doors down. They have no cover charge & $5 Corona's - can't beat that, so we chill and drink them and jam. We then decided to check the rest of the bars on the block before we settle and carry our drinks with us in my purse (lol). They're not as cool, and the other club across the street has a long ass line that we weren't waiting in, so we go back to our spot. We get a couple more beers, some random guy buys us this AWESOME shot, and we buy another one because it's good. It gets close to closing time so we get a couple dances in, get a couple numbers and leave the bar. We get outside to head to the car and get a couple more numbers during the walk to the car and while just standing outside. We then not head home, we go chill with some guys smoke a little laughed a little and got some free stuff just for being pretty - literally.
We finally decided to stroll in the house at like 7ish smoke a blunt and then finally decide to sleep at like 10:30 after eating some pancakes :)
After all of that, we didn't even need to party the rest of the weekend lol. It was a wonderful time. If that's my summer preview I'm ready!

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