Sunday, December 21, 2008


After much discussion, we finally put our tree up, of course the later we put it up the longer it stays it'll probably be up until mid February. Yesterday I hung out with my Dad, I took him for a few runs and then we all got food for the family. We picked up my Christmas gift [I finally got a real Ipod instead of just the little shuffle] so my computer won't crash on me from all the music I download, and my dad bought me a pair of boots I wanted. We then went to Famous Dave's for the food for the family and just chilled.
I still haven't gone shopping for ANYBODY...but that's because I shop after Christmas. I don't try to get people things I THINK they'll like, I go out with them and get them things I KNOW they like because they just said so. It always works :)

On another note...
With alot of the recent news and headlines, it's really got me thinking. It's snowing in Las Vegas and New Orleans but it's like 60 degrees over here in the middle of December...anyone who has ever read the Bible would know that those are some "telltale" signs of the end of the world. Another one is one that I'd really like for it to NOT be true, but we can never be to sure. The man who has brought the country together in ways we never imagined, could possibly be the Anti-Christ? He's supposed to be a man that we all love and could never think anything wrong of, and the parallels are quite scary...I'm not saying it's definite but it sure as hell something to look out for. In thesee times we can never pretend to b so sure of anything because it can all change in a split second...Just a thought

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