Sunday, May 3, 2009

...Taking My Camera Off Retirement


been slacking on taking picz...majorly
...brought it back alil for Madam CJ's Bday shindig

...She can never just take a regular pic - get em Benonce Jones...

Turned that 23 at 32 Degrees down Olde City...nice place - could use better music choices tho.

That beautiful weather spoiled me. Now all I know is RAIN - slightly pissed off
I'm also on the lookout for other Drake performance stops. I went to his show by accident when he was here and missed most of I NEED to go see it in its entirety. I'm hoping one of his stops flows with my roadtrip and I will detour indeed.

Since it's May it's time for my annual photoshoot to shop around for my summer gigs. As a present to myself I'm booking myself a shoot w/ Glamour Bitch Photography for my Birthday. She does great pin-up shots with hair makeup and wardrobe and I've alwayyyyyys wanted to do that. If I like this one, I'll end up going to another photographer I found who said she'd have me in a Billie Holiday-esque shot which sounds verryyyyyy awesome.

Oh...and greasy breakfast food is NOT the business

Stay Piffy - Get Money!!!

1 comment:

  1. I friggin LOVE your blog..always makes me smile and think....and yes, you are one of them jawns that don't deal with weekend was crazy nice-im madd jealous i couldn't get that 'Cue or that piffy..(this ish down here in N.O. is terrible @times, but its a love/hate thing, lol) I'm def gonna stay tuned w.the pics tho....OWWWW!! ;-)


Talk to Meeeeee